
UX Design
The Challenge.
Examine and redesign the user flow for a live broadcaster on the existing Mixlr iOS app, allowing users to easily upload live content anywhere, anytime.
Mixlr is a social live audio platform based in London, connecting broadcasters with listeners around the world with podcasts, music, talk or sports shows. 

Mixlr asked us to examine their app’s flow to discover and fix friction points that users experienced within the journey.
Sebastian Burns, Claire Reilly, & Lieke Dröge
Project Type.
View full case study
- Competitor analysis
- User interviews
- Usability testing
We kicked off our project by interviewing and filtering new and potential users we wanted to test on.

Testing the Mixlr app selected users, we uncovered major issues experienced by all users in the journey. Users struggled most with an out of order broadcast setup and confusing button iconography which both impeded the flow.

We also completed an analysis of Mixlr and its direct and indirect competitors. We wanted to determine how others solved these obstacles and what critical features allowed for smoother journeys on their platforms.
- Personas
- Problem statement
- How might we’s
- User flow
- Experience mapping
We defined the main issue causing friction within the broadcast setup flow as the ‘Go Live’ step, which sat at the very beginning of the journey.

Users were required to go live before they had entered in details, a broadcast title or category types, hindering their content and listener interactions.

We determined that through simplification and reordering of the user flow, with recognisable button iconography, we would remove confusion delivering a more natural, expected flow.
- Design studio
- Workshop facilitation
- Information architecture
- Prototyping
- User testing
- Affinity mapping,
With our friction points and How Might We’s defined, we held a design workshop At Mixlr‘s office in Stratford, London. I facilitated the workshop generating ideas and solutions that focused on three key areas to contribute to resolving the user flow issue: 

- Realignment of the broadcaster flow and use of familiar iconography for clarity
- Give users the functionality for Personalisation of their broadcasts and channel, building listener fan bases and outreach. (Researching Mixlr users, we discovered that the social aspect of the app was a major draw card.)
- Additional Features enabling users to schedule broadcasts, save broadcast templates, include Audio Files, and edit recordings. Taking away our newly ideated solutions we went back to GA and began to build our prototype. 

We developed a functioning prototype in focusing on the three key areas above. We began usability testing our prototype on new potential users, continually iterating throughout low to high fidelity over several days. 

Once all key area issues were fixed, we then pinpointed our focus on the final design of the prototype.
- Accessibility analysis
- Style guide redesign
- ToV and wording
At the end of the 15 days we had addressed and fixed all problems pertaining to the user flow and iconography. We delivered this tried and tested prototype that received very positive feedback amongst users. 

“I like the idea of the saved templates for my regular broadcasts so I don’t have to repeat the action day in, day out.” - Jonathan, Mixlr user

“I like [the broadcast setup] - it’s more intuitive.” - Jeff, Mixlr user
Mixlr also provided very positive feedback for our final prototype and are currently implementing the solutions into their product.

“Amazing work. It is a really nice prototype and it looks great!" - Ben Scully, Product Manager at Mixlr.

Check out the app for yourself below!

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